Your Fizz on Foot Hosts

A very warm welcome to Fizz on Foot from your hosts Victoria South and Ian Shearer

Victoria South
Victoria is extremely passionate about wine and she loves hosting wine tasting trips in Sussex. Having worked for the NHS for over 40 years, she has now retired from being an Occupational Therapist in Older Peoples Mental Health and can indulge in her real passion!

Her fascination with wine started as a hobby about 20 years ago. Being interested in food and cooking too, she accommodated this pleasure by entertaining and matching up dishes with wines that complemented each other. This led to her attaining the WSET [Wine and Spirit Education Trust] Intermediate and Advanced Certificates at Plumpton College, gaining a Distinction in both – she was then hooked!

Victoria is a member of several Wine Clubs across Sussex.  She loves talking about wine, and regularly presents Wine Tasting Evenings throughout the county and gives a “History of Wine” talk to WI Clubs.

Victoria has visited many wineries across the world – there is not a single style of wine that she does not appreciate, but sparkling and dessert wines are her absolute favourites!

Victoria has visited many wineries in Europe, as well as further afield in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. There is not a single style of wine that she does not appreciate, but sparkling and dessert wines are her absolute favourite.

She continues to attend numerous wine tastings to help deepen and increase her knowledge – you never stop learning about wine. She hopes this will enthuse and tempt you to learn more about this captivating and absorbing subject!

She also loves walking and meeting new people, so she joins the majority of the tours for the walking and wine tasting trips we offer! Now that English wine is being recognised worldwide, she is glad to be a part of this fast growing industry.

Victoria now hosts all the Fizz on Foot wine pairing dinners and wine tasting evenings which are held in Eastbourne in East Sussex. These events showcase a variety of wines throughout the world.

Ian Shearer
Ian has been a business leader all of his career. Having worked in London advertising agencies, he then set up a graphic design, PR and marketing company and subsequently became a director and major shareholder in a large design and printing company based in East Sussex.

Since his ‘retirement’ he has used his marketing skills to promote the Fizz on Foot walking and wine tasting trips in East Sussex, along with various wine and food pairing dinners and a wine club in Eastbourne.

Ian’s particular interest in Fizz on Foot is more about the ‘fizz’. He is keen to share the beauty of the Sussex downland (near Alfriston and Eastbourne), where he was born and grew up, with those who would like a walking holiday in this beautiful part of the country (and a glass of nice wine!).

Ian is passionate about your enjoyment. He has personally met and seen all the accommodation providers and seen the superb standard on offer. Ian has also visited all the restaurants and vineyards to sample their fare. It was a very hard job, but it had to be done!

The English wine industry is one of the fastest growing in Europe and English sparkling wine is now renowned throughout the world. Ian would like you to sample some of these exciting new wines.

He can guarantee that your walking and wine tasting trip in East Sussex will be a wonderful experience combining excellent hotel accommodation, walks with an experienced guide, good food, award winning wine and the most beautiful countryside.

Why not try one of our wine tasting trips? You will not be disappointed.  See what our customers think

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